How can I liven up my natural brunette shade?
Brunette shades aren’t necessarily the shiniest of hair colors. Some can be, others not, however it all depends on your exact shade. Discover how to liven up your natural brown shade with advice from the pros.
Darker shades of brown always appear more shiny and luscious than lighter hues. ‘Cold colors are very on-trend at the moment. Dark brunette shades are much more light-reflective and shine-enhancing as well as being a popular look this season’.
Shine can also be created with the help of straightening your locks and smoothing the hair shaft. ‘A good blow-dry and haircare products will instantly add shine. Stay away from shampoos formulated for your hair color as they aren’t suitable for all hair types. These type of products tend to be color-pigmented and won’t match your hair color perfectly’.
If you dye your natural hair color, you may find that hair appears lacklustre when your color starts to fade. ‘To combat this loss of shine, head to your nearest Jean Louis David salon and ask for Colour Therapy. This intensive haircare treatment restores colour pigments, and improves shine. If you don’t make regular appointments, hair can look dull and lifeless. A harmonising gloss treatment is also an option to consider if you’re after added shine and vibrancy. Make an appointment with your stylist to discuss the best route to take’.
Our advice: Forget about using products designed with your hair color in mind. Instead, opt for a product which suits your hair type and adds shine. The result: fabulously glossy and shiny locks!
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