Crimps for a retro hairstyle
In the past few seasons, retro hairstyles have rediscovered their elegance in the form of some chic and sensual shapes. Here is a focus on these vintage crimps.
Crimped hair, 1920s style. This crimped retro hairstyle is very structured and is best suited to short hair or bobs. The crimps are wavy and worn on the side, which can be achieved through various techniques. The quickest and easiest way is to use flat hairclips, placed horizontally on damp hair. Apply a little mousse in advance for a stronger hold. Three hairclips should be enough for marked crimps, particularly if your hair is short. Dry your hair completely before removing them. For any alterations you may desire and to fix the style in place, use gel.
Crimped hair, 1950s style. These crimps are less structured but more worked towards a femme fatale look. Here we can use rollers for a long hold and perfect finish. On wet hair, make two or three curls on top of the head by curling some large strands of hair around rollers. Do the same with three or four strands on the back, and let it dry or use your hair dryer before removing the rollers. The crimping now depends on your styling. Using a hairbrush, gently undo the curls to create this resolutely retro style. Apply a layer of hairspray to hold the style in place.
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