Help, my blonde hair is turning green!
Green hair is a common problem for people with naturally blonde locks. What’s the cause? Contact with chlorine gives us unwanted, and unsightly, green tones to our hair. What can you do to stop this happening and how can you fix the problem? The pros explain the best solutions.
It’s generally chlorine that leads to green hair, but that’s not the only cause. ‘It can also be the after-effects of a hair colour. Ash coloured hair is particularly plagued with this problem as neutral hair is more likely to turn green than darker hair shades. Women who are left with a green hue after using hair colour should recognise that their hair is at its limits and is being pushed too far. The colour has passed the hair’s natural barrier, meaning it can turn a very different colour to the one you originally had in mind.’
The green tinge doesn’t come straight after you have applied the colour, however. Only after you’ve washed your hair a few times will you start to notice a green tinge to your hair. ‘When you wash your hair, your base colour can start to actually fade away, but your highlights should stay fairly vibrant. Unfortunately, there’s no remedy shampoo which can help to fade the green colour you’ve been left with.’
The only reliable way to totally eradicate the green tinge is to get a professional to take care of the problem for you. ‘The Jean Louis David Colour Therapy treatment can get rid of most of the unwanted colour. Or a Gloss treatment can also take your hair back to its natural, vibrant shade.’
Our tip: Try using henna at home to get rid of any green highlights. A cup full of the stuff should do the trick, and take your blonde hair back to its usual honey-colour.
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